
Scartho Infants'

School and Nursery

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Assessment and Reporting


Formal Assessment


  • On entering Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) or Foundation Stage 2 (Reception) children are assessed within the first few weeks to provide a baseline.  


  • All children during the Foundation Stage are assessed against the Early Learning Goals which are reported to the Local Authority at the end of Foundation Stage 2 using the Foundation Stage Profile. Parents/carers receive a copy of their child’s results.


  • In Year 1 the government introduced Phonics Screening takes place in June. Results are reported to parents/carers at the end of the academic year. Any child who does not meet the threshold in Year 1 will continue to be supported in their phonics development and is screened again in Year 2.


  • In Year 2 all pupils are assessed against national standards for Key Stage 1. Statutory assessments are used to support teacher assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths.   The results are formally reported to parents/carers at the end of Year 2.


Reporting Pupil Progress to Parents/Carers


In addition to the daily contact with your child’s class teacher, the school provides opportunities through Class Dojo and formally three times a year for parents/carers to learn about their child’s progress and attainment both socially and academically. You will receive Termly Attendance Summary Reports for your child as regular attendance supports your child's academic progress, as daily attendance ensures they receive full access to the carefully planned and sequenced curriculum.


  • In Term 2, a formal parent/carer consultation evening appointment is provided where parents/carers and their child can discuss how their child has settled into their new class and their progress with their class teacher. At this meeting targets for improvement are agreed with the parents/carers.  


  • In Term 5, a second formal parent/carer consultation evening appointment is provided where parents/carers and their child can discuss progress with their class teacher. At this meeting targets for improvement are agreed with the parents/carers.


  • In Term 6 an open evening offers children the opportunity to show their parents/carers around school, sharing their work and environment.   Annual reports are sent out towards the end of Term 6 detailing your child’s progress during the year.  The end of Foundation Stage Outcomes for FS2 children, Phonics Screening Check results for Year 1 children and end of Key Stage 1 results for Year 2 children are included with the report.

