
Scartho Infants'

School and Nursery

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It is the policy of the school NOT TO ADMINISTER MEDICINES.


The exception to this rule is an asthma inhaler or Epipen.  These should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and will be kept in a place appropriate to the needs of the individual child and administered under supervision according to the written instructions of the parent/carer.  


Inhalers are stored centrally in the Medical Room or the Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) Staffroom for Nursery children.


If a child requires a temporary course of medication, e.g. antibiotics, arrangements should be made for the medication to be taken out of school hours wherever possible.  If a dose is necessary during school hours, parents/carers may administer the dose by arrangement with the Head Teacher or on completion of a signed 'Administering Medication Form' we will undertake this as a service to the Parent/Carer. All medicines should come to school in the original named container with a syringe to measure the dose.

