Our “school uniform” engenders a feeling of belonging and corporate identity.
We do ask that the children are smartly and appropriately dressed for each school day.
Boys: Grey/Black trousers/shorts
White shirt/polo shirt
(short sleeved, sports type with a placket fastening and soft collar)
Royal blue/red sweatshirt*/jumper.
Nursery to be in Purple.
Girls: Grey/Black skirt/pinafore dress/trousers
White blouse/polo shirt
Red and white or blue and white summer dress
Red/blue cardigan*/jumper/sweatshirt*
Nursery to be in Purple.
Sweatshirts and cardigans, fleeces and shower proof coats in red or royal blue and purple can be purchased from Nationwide School Uniform website (details on the attachment at the bottom of the page). Please note that fleeces are not intended for wearing in the classrooms as they are much too hot. Bags to carry reading books, packed lunch boxes, water bottles etc. are also stocked. Shoes need to be able to withstand school life no trainers please. High heels or “jelly” type shoes are not suitable for safety reasons. In wet or snowy weather we recommend wearing wellies and changing into shoes on arrival. Children with wet shoes must change into plimsolls. Boots are not suitable for wearing in school.
Children are asked to come to school dressed for P.E. on their P.E. day which you will be informed of.
Plain unbranded warm Joggers,
Zip up sweatshirt or hoodie,
Pair of trainers.
P.E. may still be outside on the field or playground.
Please ensure that all school clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name including P.E. Kits and all footwear.
Children should not wear jewellery in school, the only exception being those children who have pierced ears in Years 1 and 2.
For reasons of Health and Safety, children who have pierced ears should only wear stud type earrings. Earrings must be removed for P.E. If children are not able to remove and replace earrings independently, they should not wear earrings to school on P.E. days.
Children should not bring personal effects (except playtime equipment) e.g. pencil cases, stickers, toys, etc. to school. No hand held ICT devices are permitted to be brought into school from home i.e. mobile phones, smart phones, iPods etc.