Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Governors’ Statement of SEND
As a school, we pride ourselves in identifying the specific needs of individual children, whether that need is of a physical, emotional, or cognitive nature. These needs are addressed through the provision of a caring and supportive teaching and learning environment in which pupils with SEND have equal access to the curriculum and are able and encouraged to achieve success. We firmly believe in inclusion and as such the majority of pupils’ needs are met within the classroom setting.
The 2014 Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability provides the legal framework for the support of all our pupils with SEND. The school procedure reflects a graduated approach to provision for SEND pupils.
SEND Report
Sara Dunks, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), oversees the implementation of the school’s policies and procedures for SEND. A member of our Governing Body has responsibility in overseeing SEND.
The school’s budget includes a notional amount for SEND. This supports the SENCo in the early identification of SEND, staff training and resources including classroom support staff. The annual expenditure is approved by the Governing Body and managed by the Head Teacher.
The school is wheelchair accessible, has access for pupils with physical disabilities and has adapted facilities if required. All of our pupils, including those with SEND are admitted in accordance with NELC's admission procedure carried out on behalf of the school.
The school has a range of Policies and Procedures in accordance with the requirements of:
a) Children and Families Act 2014; b) Equality Act 2010; c) Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
If you have any concerns about your child your first contact will be the class teacher. |