
Scartho Infants'

School and Nursery

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Our learning 2018-2019

Summer Term 2019

What will be my giant leap?


Project Launch: Planetarium

Mini Outcome: Self-portraits

Mini Outcome: Sing songs with accompaniments 

Mini Outcome: Writing - I have a dream...

Celebration of Learning: Leavers' Concert


Our Project Launch: Making moon boots for our walk in space!

Spring Term 2019


Why live in a place like this?


Project Launch: Lincoln Castle

Mini Outcome 1: A Diary

Mini Outcome 2: Design an ideal home

Mini Outcome 3: A written explanation of the ideal home design

Celebration of Learning: My Ideal Home

Project Launch

The children built houses together.  They had to include walls, a roof...and a living space, a private space and an outdoor space.

Autumn Term 2018


What if nobody cared?

Project Launch - Visit to Cleethorpes beach

Our Celebration of Learning
